A moment of silence - but not for who you think
Normally I avoid political blogs. But I just have one thing to point out here. We have been listening non-stop for over a week now to the tragedy whores in the media about 9/11. And the loss, the pain, and the tragedy.Not to mention the pathetic attempts by Commander Coo-Coo Bananas who has been parading around like the witless cock that he is hoping with his heartfelt fake sympathy that his approval points will go up from the shitter to maybe just crapper level.
So, how come we don't mourn or mention the 2667 Americans that have lost their lives in the Iraq war.
Why do we spend every September listening to all this crap about the people that died in the terrorist attacks yet we as a country do virtually nothing about almost the exact same number of people that have died in a senseless war?
Don't get me wrong and start sending me hate mail folks. I'm just as sad as the next person over what happened in this country 5 years ago. But it was 5 years ago! Why do we even watch the media whores that interview people just to get a good cry out of them? The media whore that does it only out of hope that the report will earn them some sort of award? And if we have to focus on something let's focus on the parents, wives, husbands, and children that are mourning loved ones that died senselessly in Iraq. What about their pain? What about the families that will have someone show up on their door step tomorrow to tell them that their loved one was killed? What about them?
If this had happened on March 11th the media would treat it like everything else. They would mention it and have a couple of Right-wingers on to talk about it for about 2 minutes. Then they'd get back to the "missing white woman tv" they normally run.
But, since it's 60 days before national elections they bring in those same right-wingers to spin thier "BE AFRAID, BE AFRAID" crap.
It's turned into "National feel sorry for ourselves and be afraid day".
And, haven't you heard? Honoring people who gave thier lives to protect their country is a terrible thing to do. It's better to just ignore them, like Bush does.
I don't talk politics much if ever on my blog because I know the haters will rise with plenty of comments.
Reading your post moved me to respond. I hate that we are fighting an unnecessary war! Hubby and I were talking in the car on Saturday sparked by my participation in the 2996 tribute (we don't watch television news, etc...) about the war. I think we as US citizens can truly only look at ourselves for blame. I voted for Kerry hoping that the situation would change, but obviously not enough of us got the memo that voting for Bush was voting for war, voting for death of our own and innocent Iraqi people, etc... I don't think Kerry is a saint, but I do think a change would have been a positive move. A friend of mine lost her only child fighting this war. That is a horror I hope I never have to face! The innocent US citizens that passed on 9/11 should be remembered, but as you said so should those innocents and soldiers that have died and will continue to parish unless we as ants stand up to the government grasshoppers (sorry for the A Bug's Life reference here, but sometimes even the simple messages we teach to our children in such films should not be forgotten when we are adults).
Stepping off my soapbox. Thanks for the chance to vent! I feel better now :-)
Amen, sister! I think there are more of us that feel this way than the media whores want to admit. They'd rather paint us as unfeeling and naive and un-American.
But I've said it before, it is possible to support the military and not support this administration. The military are doing their job, and they are there because of a cowboy president and a power-hungry adminstration. Even the latest findings show that there was no link of Iraq and bin-Laden and there was no justification for the war.
On this day, that's what we should be thinking about.
Thank you, Newt, for an eloquent post. I totally agree with you. I will take the time today to honor those who are over there fighting in the sand in a situation that appears to be getting worse and worse if you listen to those media people...and I will remember those who have died in Bush's messes.
How appropriate that my word verification is ulggkh - it is indeed truly truly ugly!
Good post, Newt. I firmly believe that if Al Gore had become the President, 9/11 might not have happened. I believe Pres. Bush was thought of as being weak, and it emboldened Osama.
I forgot to say I was reminded of this quote:
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it."
~Mark Twain
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