Tuesday, August 29, 2006

At what point is it ok to slap em

Ok, Newt's a little fed up here so this blog entry is a little on the pissy side:

So, I have this co-worker. She is on her second marriage. Her children are 13 and 15. She has chosen the slimy dirt bag new husband over her children. Her son is the 15 year old. For very understandable reasons he wanted to go live with his real father for the past year. (I wouldn't want to be around mom and slimy guy either). Well, the poor child called her crying EVERY day for the entire year begging to come home. See, his real dad has a few addictions but the son saw that as the lesser of two evils. Only it didn't work out so well. Dad was drunk all the time, drove him places drunk, and even tried to work a deal with the local bar so the kid could go pick up dad's beer. Well, she kept telling the poor child all through the year that basically he made his own bed, he can sleep in it. And that if he still wanted to come home in the summer she would let him. Well, she put him off and put him off and up until a few weeks ago still acted like he wasn't going to be allowed home. Then when she did consent she layed down a million and one rules, told him he better get a job cause she wasn't going to spend her hard earned money on him, told him there was no way in hell she would drive him to his current school (apparently the 15 miles would kill her) and so he would have to just deal with the school system he used to be in and had a lot of trouble in. He's 15 for cry'n out loud. He's already struggling in school how is getting a job a good idea? I mean come on!

Alright, so I have SO MANY issues with this woman I don't know where to begin. Trust me, I've come close to telling her I would take over raising her kid since a life with slimy gross guy took priority over her child. Lord knows we don't need another hoodlum created because his mom was a worthless sack.

The daughter (13) is constantly acting up. She never did this prior to slimy guy coming into the picture. She used to have a pretty good relationship with her daughter. Now the child is acting up, throwing tantrums. Etc. Etc. ETc.

And the other classic thing, she goes out of her way to find relatives, camps, social programs, etc to dump her children on. I can't believe how often the woman is on the phone with family asking if they want the kids for the weekend. It's sickening.

Now, in everyone's mind but hers we have been concerned that slimy guy is actually some sicko with a fetish for young kids. In fact ALL the bells and alarms went off when they first started dating. Swear to god - they had been dating less than 2 weeks and the slime bag went over to her house and hung out with her daughter while she was still at work! WTF??????

I would have so had the police on his ass. I'm sorry, I know you less than two weeks and you invite yourself into my home when I am not home to "Watch movies" with my 13 year old daughter. I DON'T THINK SO!

Alright, so the majority of men are NOT monsters. But I asked several men what they would do and they all said they wouldn't have done that in a bajillion years. And every single one of them said that she should have dumped his ass right then and there. And that no matter what his intentions you don't do that in this day and age. And this was men, so I didn't feel like I was over reacting.

Yes it sucks that a guy can't go over to a woman's house who honestly just wants to get to know her child. I mean, getting into a relationship is hard enough. Getting a family with the deal, that's a lot for someone to take on. So, yeah, it's nice if they can have a good relationship. But ICK! And you should see the guy. He looks like your classic X-Files porn creep. He makes my skin crawl. Blech.

I will now return to my sweet self. Sorry for this nasty rant folks.


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